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Welcome to GoodWorks, a social initiative to help raise awareness, understanding, and funds to support homeless individuals in Monterey County. GoodWorks encourages high school students to volunteer their time to improve the quality of life for those who are most vulnerable and at risk in our community.

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Founded by Christian Gebhardt, currently a senior at Carmel High School, the vision of GoodWorks is to end negative stereotypes and misconceptions around homelessness and encourage our community to step up and help homeless people so they can make positive and lasting changes to their lives.

Too often homeless people are ignored or ostracized by our society. Few people take the time to reach out and try to understand the individual’s unique circumstances.

Key values of the GoodWorks initiative include: respect, empathy, dignity, advocacy, and sustainable impact. GoodWorks advocates for kindness, compassion, diversity, equity and inclusion for all people, regardless of their social or financial situations.

With the right attitudes and support services, our community can help those who are homeless gain: greater control over their lives, new levels of self esteem and optimism, and the motivation they need to lead meaningful and productive lives.

We invite you to join the GoodWorks movement and spread the word.

Homelessness — in America and in Monterey

Over half a million people are homeless. “Every night in America, about 750,000 people experience homelessness. Over the course of a year, 2.5 to 3.5 million people experience homelessness for a period of time (days to months). Each year, 600,000 families and 1.35 million children are homeless, making up half of the homeless population.” (Source: National Alliance to End Homelessness)

Many people are homeless because they cannot afford rent. In the U.S., most homeless people are spending the night either in shelters or in some sort of short-term transitional housing. Slightly more than a third are living in cars, under bridges or unsheltered.

The lack of affordable housing in our country is a primary cause of homelessness, according to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (NLCHP). The Department of Housing and Urban Development has seen its budget dramatically slashed in recent decades, resulting in the loss of critical low-income housing.

Finding affordable housing is a major obstacle in our local community of Monterey, California, as well as in neighboring San Benito County.

A vicious cycle of health and safety issues — With exposure to the elements, hunger, sleeplessness, stress and lack of health care, the homeless face safety issues and experience a higher incidence of illness. Acute health crises, chronic illness, addiction, mental illness, domestic abuse and long-term disabilities are all linked to homelessness. These conditions often cause a downward spiral to job loss, depletion of savings, eviction and homelessness. Then in a vicious circle, lack of housing and extreme adversity exacerbates these conditions.

One in five homeless people suffers from untreated severe mental illness. According to government studies, while about 6%of the general population suffers from severe mental illness, 20% to 25% of the homeless suffer from severe mental illness. It is reported that about one half of this population self-medicate and are at further risk for addiction and poor physical and emotional health.

As a community we must work together to address homelessness

The obvious solution to homelessness is access to housing, whether that be safe, short-term shelters or long-term housing. However, until people can secure a housing solution there is great need to provide the homeless with a safe, secure platform from which they can begin to address their many challenges and rebuild their lives.

In our community of Monterey, homeless individuals report a wide range of needs including: shelter, nutritious meals, access to bathrooms, showers and laundries, clean clothing, warm bedding, protection from violence, help with substance abuse, assistance with transportation, access to cell phones, and basic medical and dental care.

Once the basic needs are met, job training and counseling, financial guidance, and legal services are needed to ensure people can get on and stay on a healthy, safe and independent path.

Fundraising is Required to Help those Who are Homeless in Monterey

To raise funds to support the homeless, Christian spends many afternoons in the Carmel Middle School woodshop making handcrafted products which he sells locally. All proceeds are donated to a local nonprofit, Al & Friends, which helps feed and clothe the hungry and the homeless.


Purchase GoodWorks Handcrafted Wood Products and 100% of the Proceeds will Help Feed the Homeless

Christian handcrafts these creative wine bottle stands and beautiful votive candle holders from French Oak wine barrels.

The cantilever wine stands can be engraved with logos or copy and are ideal for:

  • Wine club member mailings

  • Company board member or customer meetings

  • Golf tournament tee prizes

  • Housewarming gifts

  • Wedding favors

  • Birthdays and anniversaries

The beautiful 36“ or 19”candle holders are perfect for:

  • Holiday decoration

  • Dining table centerpieces

  • Fire hearths and mantles

  • Coffee tables

  • Wine cellars and tasting rooms

  • Hostess and thank you gifts

Best of all, when you purchase these locally produced GoodWorks products you know that 100% of the sales help support those who face significant challenges related to their shelter, safety, nutrition, hygiene, and physical and emotional well-being.

Want To Get Involved And Make A Difference?

To place an order, donate to Al & Friends, volunteer your time or skills, please contact Christian at

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